So, I’ve seen a few times on Pinterest, a kids meal holder someone built out of a plastic caddy. Clever idea, but I thought – I should really post what I do in the car. I never seem to get around to it, though.
Today I dragged my kids around town on errands and we finally stopped at McDonald’s and I thought – I’m just going to take a quick picture or two with my phone.
So, here is my easy (and free!) car tray for kids:
*Get the milk, poke a hole in the lid with your car key, push the straw through. (My kids destroy fast food drink cups. They pull out the straw, pull off the plastic lid. It is a major mess every time. Get the milk.)
*Ask for a drink carrier (or two or three, one for each child). Squeeze ketchup (or other dipping sauce – my kids are all about the ketchup) into the middle. You’ve got four other spaces you can put stuff in– this one has apples, french fries, chicken nuggets, and milk.
*The best part is, when they are finished, you can throw the whole thing away!! I keep thinking I should ask if I can get a whole stack of these to keep in my car.
Awesome! I never thought of asking for extra cup holders but I have to say, we will probably do so in the future.